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Employee travel expense deductions

To claim for transport or other employee travel expenses (like accommodation and meals) you must have incurred the expenses as part of gaining or producing your taxable income.  

Just to reinforce the obvious, private and domestic travel expenses, including the costs of your ordinary home-to-work travel, aren’t claimable.
Important issues are:-
    - Is the travel a necessary part of performing your work (you can’t pretend your family holiday’s a work trip)?
    - Does your employer pay you to undertake the travel?
    - Do you have to follow your employer’s instructions during the travel period?
Accommodation, meal and other incidental expenses are deductible as work-related only if your work has “special demands” or “co-existing work locations” that mean you have to sleep away from home.
We’re here to help – contact us to find out more about getting your work-related tax deductions right.